Ministry of Finance




The main objective of the Debt Management Unit is:  “Ensuring that the financing needs of the Government are met on a timely basis and that its debt service obligations are met at the lowest cost over the medium-to-long term, in a manner that is consistent with an acceptable and prudent degree of risk” (Public Debt Management Act 2015).

The DMU functions include:

·        Preparing the prospectus for government securities on the Regional Government Securities Market (RGSM) in compliance with PDMA 2015

·        Managing investor-creditor relations to maintain demand for government instruments

·        Developing a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS) and annual borrowing plan

·        Executing funding transactions in compliance with the MTDS

·        Preparing regular debt portfolio analysis and preparing and reporting debt statistics periodically

·        Providing  input for the preparation of the Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA)

·        Recording all government borrowing and maintaining debt records accurately in the Commonwealth Secretariat Debt Recording

       & Management System (CS-DRMS) database

·        Comprehensive validation of the debt database

·        Monitoring disbursements and loan utilization and preparing forecasts of debt service payments as part of the annual budget preparation.


Debt Management Unit publications:

1.      Quarterly Debt bulletin

2.      Debt Portfolio Review

3.      Prospectus for Government Securities

4.      Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy

The Debt Management Unit is located in building #5 at the Ministry of Finance, Financial Complex, the Carenage, St. George’s. 





This report gives an analysis of Government of Grenada’s (GoG’s) total debt portfolio. It consists of both the domestic and external debt of Central Government (CG) and the debt obligations of Grenada’s State-owned Enterprises (SOEs), which by the end of fiscal year 2023 were all non-guaranteed.  Furthermore, GoG’s debt management practices are highlighted, along with a summary of Grenada’s macroeconomic performance for the year.  The ratio of external to domestic CG debt at the end of 2023 was 81:19. External debt consisted mainly of long-term, multilateral loans which are on highly concessional1 terms. Domestic instruments on the other hand consisted chiefly of bonds followed by Treasury bills (T/bills), for which there exists a large investor base. Since most interest rates on debt instruments are fixed, the portfolio is susceptible to moderate interest rate risk. Additionally, the majority of external debt is contracted in United States Dollars (USD) to which the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD) is pegged, minimizing foreign exchange risk. 
Total Central Government and Government Guaranteed Debt: As of December 31, 2022, total outstanding Central Government and Government-Guaranteed debt in Grenada amounted to EC$2,075.4 million or EC$2.1 billion, which was 63.8 percent of GDP, an improvement both in the stock of debt and the debt to GDP ratio over the previous year.
The 2021 Debt Report provides an assessment of the Government of Grenada’s (GoG) debt and debt management practices in the fiscal year 2021 and a synopsis of Grenada’s macroeconomic performance. The Report covers total debt as defined by the GoG, which includes the Central Government’s (CG) debt and the Government-guaranteed (GG) and non-guaranteed debt of all State-owned Enterprises (SOEs).

Annual Debt Report 2020

The 2021 Debt Report provides an assessment of the Government of Grenada’s (GoG) debt and debt management practices in the fiscal year 2021 and a synopsis of Grenada’s macroeconomic performance. The Report covers total debt as defined by the GoG, which includes the Central Government’s (CG) debt and the Government-guaranteed (GG) and non-guaranteed debt of all State-owned Enterprises (SOEs).
This Debt Report provides an assessment of the Government of Grenada’s (GoG) debt and debt management operations in the fiscal year 2019. The Report covers total debt as defined by the Government of Grenada, which includes the Central Government’s (CG) debt and the Government guaranteed and non-guaranteed debt of all of Grenada’s State-owned Enterprises (SOEs).




Quarterly Public Debt Bulletin

Debt Documents


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Address:         Financial Complex

                       The Carenage

                        St. George’s

                        GRENADA, W.I


 Telephone:     (473) 440-2731 – (4)

 Facsimile:       (473) 440-4115

 Telex:              (473)3418

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