Component 3.1: Umemployment Benefit Programme



The programme is aimed at providing financial assistance to persons who would have met specific qualifying criteria for the unemployment benefit programme.


Unemployment Benefit Program Criteria

oMust be active insured contributors to the NIS under the age of sixty years and are not eligible for other relief support provided by the Government under the Stimulus Programme 2.0.


oUnemployment assistance benefit will only be payable if the person was engaged in employment as an employee pursuant to section 24 of the Law immediately prior to April 1, 2020.

oInsured persons must reside in Grenada.

oEligible persons must be on continuous extended layoff for at least two weeks for which wages have not been paid after September 1st, 2021.

o Working in a formal sector business.

o For purposes of the Stimulus Package, a formal sector business is defined as a business that is registered with the IRD for Corporate Income Tax; largely has fixed hours of work or fixed place of business and formal arrangements with employees.

o Became unemployed as a direct result of the pandemic.

o In cases where the application is made by the employee, a letter of reference from their most recent employer is required. If a reference is not provided, such cases should be referred to the CESS for review and determination.